When I first started blogging, I said I was going to publicly recognize Web sites that place a premium on clarity. No buzz; no pretension; no coining of ugly, meaningless words. Just simple business stories told simply and precisely.
So today, I unveil the first winner of the Claritant Award.
The clearest Web site for the insurance industry is State Farm. Here's the company's mission statement:
"State Farm's mission is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected, and realize their dreams."
Beautiful. Not a buzzword to be found. No gobbledygook phrases. No bull. And the whole site is like that.
Thank you, State Farm. Whoever produced that writing deserves kudos and a raise. It sets you apart. Although many insurance companies do a nice job, including runner-up Liberty Mutual, some don't. I'm not going to tell you who they are. But you'll know them when you see them.
If you come across a Web site you think is especially clear and direct, let me know about it. It might win the Claritant. The business won't care, but it makes me feel better to recognize good writing in my own small way.
Stained record, keeps getting fired
4 days ago