Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Next steps in my self-publishing saga

I've received the first copies of the cover and interior design from the design team assigned to my book, Back Again to Me, from Booksurge. On the first go-round, they nailed the cover color, the fonts, the headers, the page number placements, fleurons, and chapter design elements. They didn't nail the additional images for the cover, so I told them what I wanted--and again, the result wasn't quite there.

But today, after a little more e-mail back and forth, the images are right. Now I'll have to see how they put them all together, but I think it's going to be a relatively easy process to come to a cover we can all agree on. With most of my other books, I was engaged in cover design only peripherally. This is a different story. I've been involved in every aspect of it. I'm not a designer, but I know what I want, and I find that they're delivering it. I get more excited about this project every day.


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