After the last post, I found another lovely misuse on a caption. This one occurs a great deal in speech as well, so I thought I'd bring it up. You'll find it in the confused word pairs section of my book Talking Your Way to the Top.
Desperate Housewives voiceover caption: "What she didn't know was that the Calvary was on the way."
I don't think so. Let's look at the words being confused here: Calvary and cavalry.
Calvary is the place where Jesus was crucified.
Cavalry means troops that fight on horseback or in armored vehicles.
Usually it's the cavalry that rides to the rescue, not the Calvary. That place hasn't moved in millennia.
Because I was reading the caption and not listening to the voiceover, I'm not sure what was said, but I'd put down money that the reader got it right and the caption writer was the one who didn't know the difference. But someone in production should have been watching. Oversight seems to be lacking in the caption world.
Stained record, keeps getting fired
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I'm re-watching DH right now and the voice-over definitely said Calvary. It's so irritating!
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